Indoor Location Modes

Indoor location tracking gives you the position of a tracked object defined by two coordinates, identifying the actual position within the facility using a Cartesian coordinate system. Therfore, the investment to cover an indoor facility with a location tracking system increases according to its size.

However, in a real-life scenario, there are parts of the facility that do not require knowing both dimensions to precisely locate a tracked object. These are typically smaller rooms or corridors, where knowing if the tracked object is present is sufficient, which decreases the needed tracking infrastructure’s cost.

Similarly, if the tracked object moves along corridors or aisles, it makes sense to track only one dimension as the second dimension is given by the limitations of the space. This results in a decreased requirement of the tracking infrastructure needed to do the job.

Indoor Location Modes - Factory

The physical layout of the facility and the effort to minimize location project costs results in delivering location information via the following modes:

  • 0D (Zero dimensional), referred to as “presence detection” (e.g., small radio isolated rooms)
  • 1D (One dimensional), location defined by one axis (e.g., aisles)
  • 2D (Two dimensional), planar location determined by two axes
Indoor Location Modes

Real-time Location Systems Allowing the Combination of Location Modes

Combination of Location Modes

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The accuracy, reliability, and scalability of Sewio systems are unparalleled, and our belief in their products translates to incredible value for our clients.

Matthew Stemmler
Director of Operational Intelligence, C5MI

Matthew Stemmler