Webinar: The ROI and Cost Efficiency of Indoor Tracking Services in the Industrial Market
Real-time location systems are undoubtedly bringing value to industrial customers, but what is their real return on investment? Are their implementations meeting the industry-wide accepted payback period of under two years? What use cases tend to have the quickest pay off and highest ROI? What are the main technological and business factors that significantly affect ROI?
The webinar answering these question will be led by our CEO – Milan Simek and will take place at December 12 at 3 PM London time (10:00 AM New York time).
11 Months of Payback Period for Prakab
Its not only the payback period that makes us proud about the project delivered by PwC and Mazny project for Prague based cabling producer Prakab. It’s also the fact that our technology has proven to work in harsh metallic conditions including our tags working well even while withstanding a rapid rotation at the winding machines. Read on how location data contributed to reduction of copper and aluminum to required optimum.
New RTLS Kit: The Quickest Way to Your Digital Transformation
We have released a major new version of Sewio RTLS UWB Kit with the latest hardware and software updates to bring you even higher accuracy, reliability and scalability for your indoor localization project. RTLS UWB Kit comes in two versions differing in backhaul technology – one with Wi-Fi, the other through Ethernet. Each kit includes the newest UWB anchors and UWB tags, bringing the latest features into your digitalization PoCs and pilots.
Featured News
Featured Solution Partner
Rapenburg Plaza
Featured Case Study
Prakab by Mazny projects
Featured Project
Snorrastofa Museum (Reykholt) by Locatify