Newsletter March 2020

Sewio Navigating through COVID-19

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we would like to keep all our customers informed about our commitment to business continuity and the latest actions we have taken in response to the situation. We hope all our customers remain safe and well.

Sewio’s Response to COVID-19

Juniper Networks (Mist) Partners with Sewio

Sewio and Juniper have partnered to provide Sewio’s ultra-wideband (UWB) technology as a part of Juniper’s (Mist) solution to boost efficiency and maximize safety. Thanks to this partnership, Mist customers can start precise localization of objects without the need to invest into a new  infrastructure.

Join the Innovation Wedding

Top 9 Use Cases for Forklift Tracking Using RTLS

Knowing where each of your forklifts is based on real-time precise location data gives you valuable and actionable insights. But how can you transform these into tangible results? What are the proven forklift tracking use cases industrial companies are already benefitting from? See our latest article evangelizing RTLS and covering the benefits of using indoor forklift tracking.

Sew How Forklift Tracking Brings the ROI

Improved Tag Battery Lifetime Calculator

We have improved the tag battery lifetime calculator to determine not only the battery’s life, but also the number of location messages that can be sent. Now, the ratio of the idle times of the tag can be added to the calculation, all resulting in better battery life estimation.

Calculate a Tag’s Battery Life

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