General Newsletter September 2020

RTLS Studio 2.3 Significantly Boosts Performance and Increases Flexibility

RTLS Studio 2.3

The Sewio R&D team has put a lot of work into the latest version of RTLS Studio, which enables faster performanceincreased flexibility and optimizations for large-scale enterprise projects. Read more about the newly added support for multi-core processors, which brings up to 10x better performance, the docker that makes RTLS Studio OS agnostic and the other great features version 2.3 introduces.

What are new features of 2.3?

Save the Date for Sewio Summit 2021

Prague Summit 2021

The next Sewio Summit will take place on September 22 – 23, 2021 in the Golden city of Prague. The location, content and even social event are based on your feedback gathered via the “Vote on Sewio Summit 2021” form. Read more on what you, our audience, voted for and what made it to the event.

What Did You Want from the Next Summit?

Sewio Awarded in Deloitte’s 2019 Technology Fast 500 EMEA

Certificate 2019 EMEA Tech Fast500 WINNERS - Sewio Networks

Sewio is #101 on Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™ Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA), a ranking of the 500 fastest growing technology companies. With revenue growth of 1,285%, Sewio Networks became the eighth fastest growing hardware company in the whole EMEA region!

Who Else Was Growing Exponentially in EMEA?

Sewio Evangelizes UWB Technology with Free Digital Hero Enablement Kits

Digital Hero Enablement Kit Content

To evangelize ultrawideband (UWB) technology and its advantages to the wider market we offer a chance to win one of the three Digital Hero Enablement Kits (each worth $4,532) to anyone answering two short questions. This kit not only includes the UWB RTLS Kit, whose hardware and software can later be used in a full-scale digitalization project, but also three hours of consulting with Sewio’s customer experience team to discuss contestants’ needs and ideas and their technological deployment.

I Would Like to Win Digital Hero Enablement Kit

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