Perfect Your RTLS Deployment with Our New Industrial Anchor
Tackle even the most challenging factory layouts by seamlessly combining two anchor types in a single indoor tracking deployment thanks to Sewio Omni anchor, the latest addition to our hardware portfolio. Leverage this new anchor, which comes fully FCC and CE certified, to take on any industrial challenge thanks to its IP65 housing, wide temperature operation range, and protective vent.
RTLS Studio 2.4 Brings New Safety Use Cases with Tag Zones
The latest version of Sewio’s RTLS Studio introduces a precise and scalable contact tracing solution that is reliable, even in the harshest industrial environments, better supports large-scale installations through shifting to a system-agnostic approach, and allows easier integration with third-party systems using Universal Unique ID.
3 New Short Videos Showing the 28 Most Common Indoor Tracking Use Cases
It’s time to get you inspired for your next RTLS projects. We have compiled 28 most common indoor tracking use cases into three short videos, each around one tracked entity – from assets, through handling equipment to people. Check out and share the ideas for innovation!
Maximizing Efficiency and Safety with RTLS: Webinar by CYBRA & Sewio
Find out how to increase your enterprise productivity and improve employee safety by deploying RTLS technology in your factory or warehouse and discover how to calculate (and realize) a robust ROI from this powerful technology. Learn from real-life RTLS case studies about tracking assets, materials, or product flow and enhancing employee safety.
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