Sewio’s webinars feature consultants and industry experts revealing data and metrics taken from and proven in real-life scenarios leveraging real-time location systems. Learn from the successes and avoid the pit falls of digital transformation, gain industry leaders’ knowledge so you can stay ahead of your competition.
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Stay in Control of Your Operations With the New myRTLS Care Package
26 min | 17th May, 2022
What you can expect:
Join our webinar led by UWB localization project expert, Petr Sedlacek, to take your RTLS experience to the next level with myRTLS Care. This comprehensive package of software and services helps you stay in control of your operations with over 15 features. Explore the unique benefits for both partners and customers and the valuable services that this new subscription package offers.
- What is myRTLS Care: An overview of the new set of services and software
- What’s in it for you: Ensure smooth operations without interruptions
- How do we make it happen: Software and services to minimize downtime and maximize control
- Demo: Experience myRTLS Care first-hand
- Get your questions answered
Petr Sedláček
VP of Sales North America

The First Truly Affordable RTLS for Industry: Sewio RTLS 2.5
30 min | 21 September 2021
What you can expect:
RTLS projects are no longer blocked by budget thanks to the feature set brought to you by the latest Sewio software release. Join this 30-minute webinar to learn how you can step ahead of your competition by leveraging Sewio RTLS 2.5 to cut the digitalization project costs up to 50%. The webinar will be hosted by Petr Sedlacek, who is also known as Mr. Ultra-wideband.
- 1D Tracking: A gamechanger for industrial indoor tracking projects
- Three recent RTLS projects with enormous cost cuts
- New UDP AD sync: The best synchronization for seamless network deployment
- Barometer calibration via an API: Reliable people tracking in multi-level facilities
- Stand-Alone RTLS studio deployment for streamlined installation
- Time for your questions
Petr Sedláček
VP of Sales North America

Win New Business in 2021 with Our Upgraded Industrial Portfolio
45 min | 29 June 2021
What you can expect:
Close more indoor localization deals in 2021 by leveraging the new use cases enabled by our latest hardware and software releases. Join this 45-minute webinar with our expert on UWB localization projects, Petr Sedlacek, and learn how to unlock new industrial projects and revenue streams.
- What’s in it for you: Introducing the Vista Omni Anchor and RTLS Studio 2.4
- Win with ROI: Uncovering the combination of 1D and 2D tracking for the shortest payback period
- Conquer the outdoors: Delivering open-air localization projects in Europe
- New safety applications: Tag zones for collision prevention
- New use cases enabled: Dynamic tool tracking for increasing efficiency
- Get your questions answered
Petr Sedláček
VP of Sales North America

UWB – the location technology for 2020s
45 min | 6 May 2020
What you can expect:
Martin Kostka will introduce the UWB technology, its benefits and talk about a couple of customers’ stories about how UWB found a solution to their problems.
Lenght 30 minutes + 15 minutes for Q&A.
Webinar content in points:
- An overview of UWB technology
- A brief introduction to Sewio RTLS
- Case studies of indoor tracking in the industry
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Martin Kostka
Account Manager, Sewio Networks

The ROI and Cost Efficiency of Indoor Tracking Services in the Industrial Market
60 min | 12 December 2019
What you can expect:
Real-time location systems are undoubtedly bringing value to industrial customers, but what is their real return on investment? Are their implementations meeting the industry-wide accepted payback period of under two years? What use cases tend to have the quickest pay off and highest ROI?
On top of the answers to these questions, this webinar will cover:
• The main technological and business factors that significantly affect ROI
• An estimation of the real value of increasing production quality, reducing workforce costs, increasing people safety and reducing human error
• Real-life examples with project gains versus implementation and total cost of ownership calculations
Milan Ĺ imek
CEO, Sewio Networks

The Power Of Ultra-Wideband
1h 16min | 8 August 2019
What you can expect:
During the webinar you will get an overview of today’s indoor positioning technologies and how ultra-wideband technology fits into the mix. The webinar will follow up with an in-depth look at UWB and Sewio’s RTLS capabilities. Additionally, you’ll learn from a case study covering an industrial project and see the actual real-time data from the factory to gain a full insight into the power of UWB. The detailed agenda:
- An overview of four indoor positioning technologies​
- A deeper look at ultra-wideband technology​
- A comparison of TWR and TDoA methodologies
- A brief introduction to Sewio RTLS
- A case study of indoor tracking in the industry
- A real-life demo of RTLS for indoor asset tracking
Petr Sedláček
Account Manager & Technical Specialist, Sewio Networks

Transparenz Und Automatisierung In Der Supply Chain Durch UWB-Lokalisierung
50min | 30 April 2020
Was können Sie erwarten:
Intransparenz und eine hohe Anzahl manueller Prozesse verursachen Zeitverluste & Zusatzkosten. Finden Sie heraus wie man mit Hilfe von UWB-Lokalisierung Prozesse in der Logistik und Fertigung optimieren kann.
Inhalt des Webinars:
- Eine kurze Vorstellung der UWB-Technologie
- Ăśberblick ĂĽber Anwendungen und Vorteile
- Konkrete Beispiele aus realisierten Projekten
- Frage und Antwort am Ende des Webinars
Ich freue mich darauf, Sie bei meinem Webinar zu treffen!
Michael Klaus
Business Development Manager, Sewio Networks

UWB LocalizaciĂłn para interiores Proyectos, Beneficios y Casos de uso
58min | 9 April 2020
Lo que puedes esperar:
Durante los 45 minutos de webinar se hablara sobre la tecnologĂa Ultra Wide Band y los proyectos que Sewio junto con sus socios han logrado realizar, además de analizar los posibles casos de uso y como esta nueva tecnologĂa esta entrando en la Industria 4.0 para cambiar radicalmente los campos de la IntralogĂstica, Seguridad y Visibilidad al interior de la empresa.
Los puntos que tocaremos son los siguientes:
- Que es y que no es Ultra Wide Band
- Proyectos realizados con ejemplos
- Casos de uso con UWB
- PresentaciĂłn de Sewio
Un gusto poder tenerlos en este webinar, nos vemos pronto!
Victor Giambalvo
Gerente de cuentas, Sewio Networks