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Lean Manufacturing and Seven Types of Waste

By Lubomir Mraz | June 25th, 2024 | 5 min read

Lean manufacturing is a systematic approach to improving production processes on the shop floor. The concept originates from the Toyota Production System (TPS), but the people behind the model would probably tell you that TPS would be better described as a ‘thinking production system’.

However, the way manufacturers approach lean production varies greatly. In most production environments, there’s a focus on eliminating thinking and creativity in favor of automation to achieve perfect repeatability, processes, and compliance. Toyota’s inventors did something fundamentally different – they want people to think.

In this blog post, I’ll explore the origins of Lean Manufacturing. We’ll cover the 5 principles of lean manufacturing, and then we’ll look at the 7 types of waste that lean manufacturing seeks to eliminate. This is the first blog post in our lean series, so read on to get a 360-degree view of lean manufacturing.

The Origins of Lean Manufacturing

Henry Ford spearheaded the concept of lean manufacturing in the early 20th century when he created an repeatable production process focusing on predictive maintenance and the waste caused by excess downtime. Though commonly pictured as a moving assembly line, modern manufacturing processes still apply much the same process to create more efficient workflows. Toyota’s own production system, created by Kiichiro Toyoda and Taiichi Ohno, was modelled on the same concept.

In the 1930s, Ford’s production efficiency was ten times higher than Toyota’s. That’s because Ford’s mass production system was designed to make huge quantities of a limited number of models. That’s why all Ford Model Ts were originally black – they all came from exactly the same production line with identical processes.

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Before the Second World War, Japan’s car market was undeveloped, largely because there was insufficient consumer demand to dedicate an entire manufacturing line to a single model. Instead, Toyota needed to produce several models in smaller quantities on the same assembly line.

Whereas Ford had the huge US market, as well as the wider intentional market, at his disposal, Toyota didn’t. As such, they needed to adapt Ford’s manufacturing system to their economic environment, while ensuring quality, reducing costs and lead times, and remaining as flexible as possible.

Ford’s system centered on pushing large quantities of parts and materials into inventories and pushing them on to the next stage of the production process. Taiichi Ohno, the father of TPS, however, knew that Toyota couldn’t afford to have such a substantial part of the company’s budget tied up in inventory. Confronting this challenge, Toyota realized that, by reducing lead times and focusing on production line flexibility, you can achieve improved quality, better customer experiences, enhanced productivity, and optimal use of space and equipment.

“If some problem occurs in one-piece flow manufacturing, then the whole production line stops. In this sense, it is a very bad system of manufacturing. But when production stops, everyone is forced to solve the problem immediately. So team members have to think, and through thinking, team members grow and become better team members and people.” – Teruyuki Minoura, former President, Toyota Motor Manufacturing, North America

The Toyota Production System thus became a foundation for lean manufacturing. It’s often represented as a house with two pillars. One pillar represents the concept of ‘just-in-time’. The other represents ‘jidoka’ – a Japanese word referring to a principle of machine design in which machines automatically stop working if they run into a defect or abnormal process condition. In the center is the principle of continuous improvement.

Blog - Lean manufacturing - Pillars Schema

TPS starts with the customer. More than anything, it’s a cultural movement, in which decision makers continuously ask ‘what value are we bringing to customers?’. Ultimately, the only thing that adds that value is translating the physical transformation of a product into something that the customer actually wants.

The Five Principles of Lean Manufacturing

We can’t talk about lean manufacturing without covering the Kaizen Methodology. Kaizen is synonymous with continuous improvement, and it’s widely considered to be the foundation of all lean manufacturing techniques. It’s about continuously improving processes, products, and people at every level of the organization.

Blog - Lean manufacturing - Lean Principes

Beyond these building blocks, lean manufacturing encompasses five key principles, each of which stress the importance of providing value to customers while ensuring transparency. The main strategies involved in lean manufacturing are:

  1. Identifying Value: The first step in lean manufacturing is to identify what adds value to your customers. Anything that’s not contributing is wasteful and should be removed.
  2. Map the Value Stream: This step involves mapping out the entire production process from gathering the raw materials to the delivery of the final product. All the necessary processes should be identified alongside the time and resources needed for each step.
  3. Creation of Flow: This stage is about removing barriers to functionality, with the main focus being on improving efficiency and lead time. With a smoother process, there’s minimal delay and waste output, ensuring a constant stream until delivery.
  4. Establishing a Pull System: By only starting work when there’s demand, pull systems are extremely flexible, incurring only necessary costs. The work is structured in such a way to minimize loss from storage costs or dissatisfied customers. Teams only move onto the next stage of production after all previous steps are completed, allowing them to adapt to changes and stay on track with deadlines.
  5. Seek Perfection: Successful lean manufacturing relies on continuous improvement of processes and ongoing validation to trim away waste and find the perfectly optimized value stream for the workflow. Continuous improvement is possible through the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics like cumulative flow, throughput, takt time, cycle time, and lead time.

The Seven Types of Waste

Eliminating waste is the benchmark of any successful company, especially in resource-heavy industries like manufacturing. Being aware of the main sources of waste will help you prepare for and find alternatives for more profitable and sustainable processes.

The challenge lies in identifying the right waste to eliminate. A further complication is that some aspects of the manufacturing process won’t directly bring value to the customer, yet they might be intrinsically linked to the quality of the final product. For example, if your business creates a revolutionary new product, patenting it to protect it from copycats won’t directly benefit your customers; however, it does increase the chances of your product being highly valued as a one-of-a-kind offer. As such, most manufacturers consider patenting a necessary action.

When it comes to manufacturing processes, we can distinguish two primary output categories. First, we have the necessary output, which is anything that enhances the quality of the final product and the value it brings to customers – such as testing, planning, and reporting. Then, we have actual waste, which is any unnecessary process, function, or material that adds no value to the final product.

Let’s take a look at the seven types of waste as defined in the TPS: 

1. Defect Waste

is the value loss to scrap, repair, and rework due to an unusable product that deviates from specifications. This occurs when a product, process, or information flow is not right the first time.

Defects are best avoided, as they cause parts to be scrapped or reworked, wasting time and resources, especially when defects can be reduced to minimal levels with proper planning.

Shopfloor Examples

  • Scrap, rework, incomplete information
  • Not following the work instructions
  • Failing to follow the quality inspection process
  • Product shipped to the wrong customer

Office Examples

  • Data entry errors
  • Mess in a document changes and revisions
  • Forwarding incomplete documentation

2. Inventory Waste

occurs when the excess stock held by companies (easily accessible in the case of an emergency, such as supplier delay) remains unused.

Shopfloor Examples

  • Unused machinery
  • Expired components
  • Extra parts to replace improper ones

Office Examples

  • Excess supplies
  • Physical documentation that could be digitized
  • Extra materials taking up space
  • Broken machines sitting around

3. Motion Waste

involves complicated machinery or employee movements, which are unnecessary and time-consuming. On top of extending lead times, improper movement can cause injuries, and it doesn’t add any value to the manufacturing process.

It’s often better for companies to focus on making as few ‘moves’ as possible when finishing the production of goods, as this will decrease costs in the long run.

Shopfloor Examples

  • Reactive maintenance
  • Poorly located equipment and supplies
  • Unnecessarily complicated procedures, excess activities, and misplaced tools

Office Examples

  • Inefficient storage leading and time wasted searching for tools and materials
  • Repetitive movements that burden employees or increase the risk of injury

4. Transportation Waste

occurs when resources or materials are transported back and forth. For example, the raw materials needed to create car bodies being sent to a processing plant, or the painted bodies being moved to storage before being taken to the assembly plant.

The excessive transportation of materials can be extremely costly and even damage the product, meaning additional costs could arise from repairs, time, space, and other areas. It’s best to minimize transportation.

Shopfloor Examples

  • Inadequate plant design or layout or different workstations separated by excessive distances.
  • Poor planning, organization, and scheduling
  • Distance from suppliers or facilities

Office Examples

  • Unoptimized office layout or meeting rooms and other areas separated by excessive distances.
  • Going around the building to get signatures on a contract, instead of using digital signatures.

5. Overproduction Waste

occurs when companies produce too much stock, leading to issues selling all of it, which may even happen at a loss. Anything the customer is unwilling to purchase also counts as overproduction waste.

Overproduction is perhaps the most devastating type of waste, as it causes and influences other forms of waste. For example, excess produce needs to be kept in storage, meaning it needs to be transported, thus increasing the risk of damage to stock and employees when moving.

Shopfloor Examples

  • Producing more products than there is demand
  • Batch processing resulting in overstock
  • Having a push production system (a pull system is often more economical)

Office Examples

  • Creating unimportant reports that go unread
  • Making extra copies that could be digitized
  • Providing unnecessary information

6. Overprocessing Waste

arises when adding extra features to a product that won’t bring any additional value to a customer, thus increasing business costs at no benefit whatsoever.

A product should include only the features necessary to deliver value to customers, thus protecting profit margins and helping to keep products functional and reliable.

Shopfloor Examples

  • Extra steps to correct avoidable mistakes
  • Using an unnecessarily complex machine or process

Office Examples

  • Unnecessary clauses or signatures
  • More copies of physical documents than needed
  • Saving multiple copies of the same file

7. Wait-Time Waste

is the most recognizable type of waste, occurring when goods or tasks are not progressing as they should. Wait times can occur at any stage of the production process, such as waiting for goods to be delivered, equipment awaiting repair, or a document needing approval.

Shopfloor Examples

  • Waiting for tools, parts, or information
  • Raw or unprocessed materials
  • Systems or machines requiring maintenance

Office Examples

  • Ineffective meetings
  • Files awaiting approval or signature
  • Delays in communication

A fundamental goal of TPS is to eliminate waste. However, just focusing on waste will not create a high-performing business.

Getting Started With Lean Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing offers a powerful framework for achieving operational excellence across every area of business. Applied across all operations, it empowers companies to adapt faster to change and deliver greater value to customers. Furthermore, by helping minimize waste at every stage of production, it drives sustainability in an era when environmental concerns are top of mind among decision makers in manufacturing and those they’re accountable to.

Success in lean manufacturing spans the ability to develop leadership, teams, and corporate culture. This demands a strategy that encourages continuous learning and improvement. It’s not about copying, but instead about thinking and learning. After all, if Toyota had tried to apply the same methodology to every branch it has around the world, then they would’ve achieved compliance, but not thinking and adaptation.

Getting started with the lean methodology isn’t about trying to achieve perfection as soon as possible. That’s the ultimate goal, but it’s also an unattainable one that should better serve as a primary driver of continuous improvement. Instead, think of adopting lean manufacturing as something that happens over iterative stages, including:

  1. Gain leadership commitment to the principles of lean manufacturing. This involves educating leadership teams about the benefits of lean and securing their support for implementation efforts.
  2. Identify key processes and value streams for areas of improvement. This requires conducting a value stream mapping exercise that helps your team visualize current processes, identify sources of waste, and prioritize improvement opportunities.
  3. Apply lean tools and techniques by establishing a framework for continuous training and communication. This is vital for ensuring that employees understand and embrace the lean philosophy and the impact of everything they do on customer experience.
  4. Agree on the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will help you measure progress and ensure that your team’s lean initiatives drive tangible results.

Sustainable Manufacturing: How to Reduce Waste

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