Movement Digitization of Basketball Players in AC BALUO by RTLS Sewio Location Platform
By Klara Smetanova | November 9th, 2016 | 2 min read
Application center BALUO – Bases of Application Life Utilities Olomouc is one of the most advanced diagnostic and performance centers in Central Europe. BALUO is providing extensive indoor environment for human movement research. This modern and highly specialized sport center with well-equipped laboratory for kinanthropolmetry provides space, sport equipment, technology equipment and cybernetic applications for research of all sorts of physical activities. BALUO is a large and strategic project realized by Faculty of Physical Culture of the Palacky University.
Current kinanthropology center of Palacky University campus together with BALUO will provide a research and testing premises for academic purposes and for the commercial use. BALUO has been built with an aim to provide appropriate environment for development of innovation of industrial production designed to facilitate the movement activities of the wide public and to develop a healthy life-style.
The main premises of BALUO contain 2 testing halls for basketball, handball, floorball and other indoor sports with installed RTLS (real-time location system).
Precise sport performance monitoring of basketball players during the match and the active physical training is powered by Sewio Real-time Location Platform. Sewio RTLS TDoA location platform has been installed to hall number 2 where it is providing athletes’ movement tracking and real time location. Thanks to Sewio´s location platform it is possible to transfer real movement into digital twin and create valuable statistic and movement analyses of each tracked player and the entire game, not seeable by the human´s eye.
Sewio together with researchers from Palacky University have actively tested RTLS for sport application especially during basketball games and trainings for several months. See the video from testing. Thanks to excellent results, the new software application providing a deep movement analyse, statistics dashboard and expressive digital visualization of players movement and the entire game is now being in process of development.
Within the opportunity of BALUO Grand Opening Ceremony for wide public, Sewio´s Real-time Location Platform for movement digitization and the new software application for movement analyse designed especially for sports from Sewio partner will be presented.
Come to visit BALUO Grand Opening 11th November from 11am and discover next dimension of sport.