Our Research
Sewio Networks s.r.o. has always been at the forefront of research and innovation, continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible in indoor location and real-time location systems (RTLS). As a company born from research, we invest heavily in applied research projects, constantly seeking out new opportunities that deliver substantial gains for our clients. Our commitment to innovation is reinforced through strategic partnerships with leading academic institutions, governmental organizations, and R&D departments of industry players.
Applied Research Grants
Increasing the efficiency of production processes using UWB location infrastructure (2024-2026)
The aim of the project is the design and development of an extension of the current positioning system for industrial applications, based on UWB (Ultra-Wideband) technology, by functionally enriched hardware of location tags and also a software superstructure for placing the positioning data generated by this system into new contexts, especially with regard to the mutual awareness of the tracked objects about themselves and their surroundings. The partner organization is the Brno University of Technology – Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication.
The project is co-funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (the programme TREND) and by the Czech Recovery Plan by the European Union (Recovery and Resilience Facility).
Notable Research Projects
New system for indoor 2D and 3D real time positioning for automation, visualization and control of work process using MEMS sensors and PDoA/AoA hybrid method (2019 – 2021)
The project was executed together with BUT, FEEC with the aim to increase the accuracy, stability and efficiency of localization, reduce energy consumption and increase system adaptability and scalability of Sewio RTLS system. For more information head to https://starfos.tacr.cz/en/projekty/FV40371.
Notable result of the project was software visualization module introduced in 2021. The visualization module enables the processing, analysis and visualization of data from tags, thereby providing a clear and efficient form of interpretation of location data.
The share of BUT of this result is 80% and through Sewio Networks it is offered to end customers. The high social relevance of this result was proved by independent evaluation made by the Research, Development and Innovation Council.