Sewio Awarded as the 3rd Best Start-up within Electronica Fair 2016

By Klara Smetanova | November 16th, 2016 | 2 min read

Fair trade electronica 2016 in keeping with the motto “Connected Worlds—Safe and Secure” is conclusing:  Internet of Things revolutionizing the electronics industry.

Electronica, the largest electronics trade fair in the world, took place in Munich, Germany from November 8–11. This crucial event in the world of electronics connected over 2,900 companies from more than 50 countries. Innovative solutions, new progressive prototypes, hitech electronics products for all sorts of industries were presented to approximately 73,000 visitors. Besides Germany, countries with the largest number of exhibitors were China, Taiwan, the USA and Great Britain.

The trade fair electronica 2016 was a valuable experience for opening new contacts with potential business partners from all over the world. Electronica fair gave us the possibility to wider contacts even among electronic equipment suppliers, which leads to new innovations featuring our hardware.

Sewio took the opportunity to present indoor location platform within Fast Forward Award 2016 powered by Elektor magazine, where Sewio became a participant of competition in start-up category. The race with other start-ups was very tight, Sewio competed with tens of contributors from 16 countries all over the world. Sewio presented location platform to a worldwide audience and a proffesional jury.  As Jury Manager Clemens Valens put it: “I found the quality very impressive. Not only did I see great engineering, the entries also displayed amazing diversity.”

Sewio is proud of being awarded as the third best start-up. It is an enormous success to be placed between the best start-ups in field of electronics in such a presitigious event as electronica fair is. Sewio is planning to present new  innovations of products at next electronica which takes place from November 13–16, 2018 in Munich.

More about electronica fast forward award: HERE


More details about electronica HERE