The 4 Main Features of RTLS Studio 2.1 Explained
By Petr Passinger | November 4th, 2019 | 3 min read
RTLS Studio v. 2.1 has been released and is now available for customers and partners via Sewio Portal. This version gives teams higher flexibility and customizability in the deployment and configuration phase of their real-time location projects.
Here are the main features of RTLS Studio 2.1 explained:
1. Zone Watch: Advanced Zone Settings
Working with virtual zones couldn’t be easier than with RTLS Studio, but what if we added on top of that unmatched control of the zone settings? The following settings allow users to set up zone parameters and workflows for the best fit with their internal processes and to achieve even higher reliability for their localization project:
In/Out Count and Interval
- Users can set up how many times and in what given time interval a tag must blink to be counted as in/out of the zone, increasing the reliability of presence information and tailoring it to a particular use case.
Zone [A] has defined In Count and Interval
The tag is registered in Zone [A] only when it meets the number of blinks in Zone [A] set by In/Out Count and the maximum time period between these blinks set by In/Out Interval hasn’t been exceeded.
Out Zone/Out Timeout
- To leave a given zone, the tag has to enter the specified Out Zone. This is useful when we need to know if a tracked entity is still within a defined space without leaving through a specific location.
Zone [C] is Out Zone to Zone [A]
- At Step (2) the tag is in Zone A.
- At Step (3) the tag is out of zone A.
Pre-In Zone/Pre-In Interval
- If we want to cover a use case when a tracked entity is considered to have entered a zone only when another zone has been entered and left before this entrance, we can now use the Pre-In Zone setting. In a real-life scenario, this is useful when any of the production or logistic processes have a perquisite step, therefore, where this preceding step happens and represents the Pre-In Zone. Having the ability to set Pre-In Zones allows users to develop conditional positioning based on real-life processes easily.
Zone [A] is Pre-In Zone to Zone [B]
At the Step (2) the tag is NOT in the Zone [B].
At the Step (2) the tag is in the Zone [B].
Groups and Exclusivity
- Zones can also be grouped and set to be exclusive. This means that every tag can only be in a single zone of the exclusive zone group at the same time. In a real-life scenario, if there are lots of small zones next to each other, making them an exclusive zone group would mean that once the tag is “registered” with one of them, its position stays within this zone – even if the tag goes to other zones from the same exclusive group.
Zones [A][B] and [C] forms an exclusive group. Zones [B] and [C] are overlapping.
At Step (2) the tag is in the Zone B.
2. Decentralized Configuration of Anchors
Thanks to the newly added decentralized configuration, complex and large industrial projects covering thousands of square meters with different environmental conditions are no longer subject to a single configuration that was applicable to all areas. The positioning algorithm can now be configured not only globally, but at the level of each master anchor, thereby, cell. This makes the optimization of enterprise deployments with different properties per cell possible so as to reach an even higher accuracy and reliability.
3. Built-in DHCP Server
Users can now run RTLS UWB kits without the need for a router as the DHCP Server is now a part of the RTLS Studio package – accessible in the RTLS Manager application and controlled via a web interface.
4. Invalid Positions Logging
Debugging using the Profiler tool is now easier as the log also includes data that hasn’t been used for calculating the position.