Videos and Tutorials

Top 9 industrial use cases of indoor asset tracking using RTLS

Real-time asset tracking is the process of tracking a physical asset in a facility to define its location. For a full list of asset tracking applications please visit our solution page dedicated to asset tracking and material flow analysis in real-time.

Top 9 industrial use cases of indoor forklift tracking using RTLS

Real-time tracking of forklifts or other vehicles, helps your logistics and production managers achieve greater efficiency, profitability, and safety by making better use of your fleet. For an overview of further use cases check out our Forklift Tracking and Monitoring System solution page.

Top 10 use cases of employee location tracking using RTLS

Employees influence the success of the companies they work for. Sewio’s Real-Time Location System helps organizations safeguard their team members by improving their safety and security. For additional safety use cases take a look at our employee tracking solution page.

Digitization of Ice Hockey Players

Sewio’s RTLS platform was used to precisely digitize the movement of hockey players in a real hockey match. The SAGE Analytics tool was later used to provide valuable statistics based on the captured location and sensor data.

Digitization of Basketball Players

Sports researchers from Palacky University have integrated Sewio Location Platform into the testing hall for indoor ball games where it is providing athletes’ movement tracking and real-time location for deeper movement research.

Real-time Location Platform

As the concept of Industry 4.0 transforms manufactory into Digital Enterprise, Sewio is stepping into the new year 2017 with the aim to provide highly precise location data for any digitization-driven project. Introducing the Real-time Location Platform, the fundamental technology for movement digitization.

Zones Geo-Fencing

Sewio presents The Zones Geofencing. The location-based service intensively enhancing the Sewio Real-time Location Platform by powerful capabilities as the notification trigger based on the object real-time position.

RTLS WiFi Kit Install Guide

Sewio´s System Consultant introduces RTLS Studio and a complete installation of RTLS TDoA WiFi Kit.

RTLS Kit Install Guide

Sewio´s System Consultant introduces RTLS Studio and a complete installation of RTLS TDoA Kit.

IMU Sensors

This video describes the Tag IMU sensors capability, configuration and usage.

Piccolino Tag

In this video, we’ll show you how to properly operate with the Piccolino Tag.

Tag Features

This video shows you all the Tag’s features for Tag IMU, Tag Li-ion and Tag Piccolino.

Map Matching

This video introduces the Map Matching feature available in Sensmap, that can improve the prositioning accuracy.


This video introduces tho Zones feature available in Sensmap and also statistics that can be provided by SAGE Analytics.

API Connectors

This video will introduce the Sewio’s API to you, also with a practical example by using the Websockets connector.

Tag Configuration

In this video, we’ll show you how to wirelessly reconfigure tag (Tag IMU, Tag Li-ion, Tag Piccolino).

3D Models

In this video, we’ll show you how to upload 3D models in Sensmap 3D.

Position Tracking

This video describes the Tracking feature available in Sensmap and also some statistics available in SAGE Analytics.

SAGE Categories

This video shows you how you can manage your Tags in SAGE Analytics by assigning them to various categories.

Presence Detection

Z-Axis with Barometer

Map Annotations