We Participated at ICUMT 2015
By Klara Smetanova | October 18th, 2015 | 1 min read
The 7th Annual International Congress (Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems) moved after the success of last year’s from the abroad to the Czech Republic, into Brno. This year were the most addressed topics an embedded systems, IoT and another emerging technologies.
CEO at Sewio – Milan Simek was one of the Keynote speakers with his presentation “Leveraging Industry Positioning to Enable Industry 4.0 – Revolution in Active RFID Technology”. The topic of the presentation focuse on phenomena of ongoing industry revolution referred to as Industry 4.0 combining new automation and robotics technologies and reflect the growing and demanded fast moving markets.
Between other speakers you could find Mischa Dohler (Professor at King’s College London & Board of Directors, Worldsensing), Ivan Zelinka (Professor at Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Ostrava) and Johan Torsner (Research Manager in Ericsson Research, Finland).
ICUMT provides the possibility of an open forum for experts in the field focused on the newly emerging systems, services and applications. The main object of the congress is to bring together international expert in telecommunications and give the possibility to present original and fundamental results in telecommunication research and engineering.