What the New UWB EU Regulations Mean for the World of RTLS?
By Petr Passinger | June 27th, 2024 | 2 min read
The latest EU regulation (2024/1467), issued on May 27, 2024, marks a significant milestone for location-based services using UWB technology. This regulation encompasses extensive updates on UWB usage in motor vehicles, railway systems, and even aircrafts. In this blog post, we will narrow down the regulation’s 5,552 words into two paragraphs to focus on how these changes will specifically shape the world of RTLS.
Increased Transmission Power for Indoor UWB Locators
The most significant benefit introduced by the new regulation is the increase in transmission power for indoor locators by 10 dB, from -41.3 dBm/Hz to -31.3 dBm/Hz. In theory, this can extend the range from tag to anchor by approximately three times. However, this range extension applies only to tags, not to the grid of anchors. Even if the grid could be extended, the ideal RTLS infrastructure needs a square grid, while halls and shopfloors are typically rectangular, limiting potential gains.
Despite this, some site designs may require fewer anchors, reducing infrastructure costs and increasing ROI. Additionally, the boosted transmit power makes the correctness of tag placement less crucial, as the additional power margin improves signal penetration. Overall, the positioning system will be easier to deploy and maintain, mainly due to increased tolerance to human error.

Enhanced transmission power mitigates the effects of non-ideal tag placements
Harmonized Outdoor Use of UWB in the EU
The new regulations pave the way for easier UWB deployment outdoors. Previously, outdoor deployments were limited to LT2 devices for lower frequency bands (frequency range from 3,1 GHz to 4,8 GHz), and on top of that the rules and approval processes varied by country. Now, UWB CH5-CH9 (frequency range from 6 GHz to 8.5) outdoor deployments are harmonized across the EU, eliminating the need for approval processes. Please note that this is a simplified summary of the regulation. In reality, there are additional conditions and requirements for outdoor installations that must be adhered to.

Harmonized use of UWB RTLS outdoors in the EU
Higher transmission power limits and the harmonization of outdoor usage area among the top updates that brings significant improvement for the ecosystem of location services. EU countries have 6 months (By the end of year 2024) to introduce these measures in their national regulation.